Get to know– Gernot Sümmermann

Who are you?

I am Gernot Sümmermann, 20 years old, mechanical engineering student and series founder with passion.

What is your profession?

Anyone who has worked in a start-up company knows you’re not just working on one topic. So I develop electronics, create constructions, let creativity play in marketing and all sorts of other things.

Where do you come from?

Born in Cologne, raised in Bergisch Gladbach, went to school in Leverkusen and then moved to Aachen to study at RWTH Aachen University. 

Three things on your bucket list? (Three things you definitely want to do one day)

Travel extensively and discover culture on every continent. (Are these already more than three things?^^)

A typical day of your life in three Emoijs?

  🗣  💻 

What you love about design?

Design can change proportions and at the same time beautify any bulky technology. What is important for this is creativity, which may be characterised by minimalism.

What you hate about design?

Complex, strongly curved shapes are wonderful, but to be economical, you often have to be restrained. Not everything is possible with machines and computer programs.

What is your secret superpower?

My superpower is having no superpower. I create something through my creativity. I bring it to life through modern software. 

What is the value of design?/What means beeing a designer to you?

Engineering today is nothing without design. Design is a flowing developing process, like the furnishing of our apartments and houses.  

If you had three free wishes….?

To realize all of my projects which will change everyday life in a positive way.

One must do/see/try in the Euregio?

Bicycle tour through all three countries with different culinary dishes and finish in the DigitalHub Aachen, in which the future awaits.

Your epic fails?

To decorate the office with over twenty free plants, it was more of a jungle. 😀

Your best work/project/discovery?

Every product will change the world in one way or another. Whether by avoiding water or chemicals for washing, by gamification in rehabilitation, by assisting entrepreneurs or otherwise.
