Get to know... Lieke Li
What you love about design?
The power it has to communicate to the public and to make people experience something.
… and hate about design?
The need to label things.
What is your secret superpower?
What is the value of design or beeing a designer?
As a designer you can keep your curiosity as a child and develop it in a project.
If you had three free wishes….?
1. Be able to speak every language fluently.
2. Be able to eat all the time without getting sick or gain weight.
3. Be able to function with only 2 hours of sleep.
One must do/see/try in the Euregio?
It’s cliché but necessary:
eat fries in Belgium. I would recommend ‘friet special’;
fries, raw pieces of onion, ketchup and mayonnaise.
Your best work/project/discovery so far?
For me my best project is the 40 touches performance where strangers touch each other with their eyes closed. The project points out the basic need of humans to be touched. It’s the most simple thing, but it’s just so beautiful to see the reactions during the performance.

Get to know... Marcella Hansch
Get to know
– Marcella Hansch
Who are you?
Marcella, Founder of Pacific Garbage Screening
What is your profession?
Saving our oceans.
Where do you come from?
Sauerland – nice little countryside with hills, lakes and beer.
What you love about design….
that you can show everything you want
What you hate about design…
sometimes it just doesn’t make sense
What is your secret superpower?
I don’t sleep

If you had three free wishes….?
Finding sponsors for my project, Finding sponsors for my project, Finding
sponsors for my project
One must do/see/try in the Euregio?
The forest
Your epic fails?
Trust everybody
Your best work/project/discovery?
Getting invitations to TV shows
Yeah! We won the Urbanana Award.
Urbanana Award –Yay, we`re one of the winning teams!

If someone mentions being “deep in the West”, they usually either mean Bochum, or in this case the venerable imperial city of Aachen. The news that here, in the pan-European border region not far from Liège and Maastricht, quite a lot is also happening when it comes to NEW inspiring design, has even reached as far as Düsseldorf. The Hello Designer Tour now finally offers the long-awaited reason to go and experience this on site. With a holistic concept of design, which ranges from communication design through to fashion and tattoo art, and with the wonderfully unpretentious attitude towards the whole project, offering it “to colleagues and normal people”, the project planners are promoting beautiful, good things throughout October and are creating a powerful impulse for cross-border cooperation. The crowning moment will come in 2018 in the form of the planned Peer-to-Peer Guide with cross-border portraits. With the motto of the project in mind – “Bad English is better than doing nothing” – we are also using the hashtag #hellodesignertour. These are “Ideas worth travelling”! We ask you for a big international round of applause for Fabian Seibert, Chantal Rexhausen and Jan Kassel and their network from Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands.
Behind The Scenens | Krefelder Perspektivwechsel | Recover, Discover – Urban Art Köln | Concordi Art | Musity
Get to know... Lara Bispinck
Lara, in one napkin sketch:

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Seit 2013 arbeite ich als selbständige Designerin und Illustratorin in Aachen im Frankenberg Viertel. In meinem kleinen Atelier arbeite ich an Auftragsillustrationen, es entstehen aber auch immer neue, persönliche Illustrationen, die ich dann in meinem Online-Shop vertreibe.

What were your first steps into the business world?
Am Anfang habe ich versucht die Fühler in alle Richtungen auszustrecken und mir so viele verschiedene Techniken wie möglich anzueignen, um mein Portfolio abwechslungsreicher zu gestalten.
What do you call your considerable skills?
Realistische Illustrationen mit Kugelschreiber und Bleistift, Aquarellillustrationen
What do you consider your distinctive achievement?
In jedes meiner Projekte stecke ich viel Leidenschaft. Eine bestimmte Leistung zu nennen ist schwierig. Wenn der Kunde und ich zufrieden sind, ist das ein gutes Gefühl.
Tell us about your epic fails:
„Kalligrafie könnte ich mal testen“, dachte ich mir eines Sonntag morgens, um nach ein paar Stunden festzustellen, dass ich das besser anderen überlassen sollte 🙂
Definitly do again:
Der Troddwar-1-Quadratmeter-Markt in Aachen hat mir sehr gut gefallen. Ein schöner Abend mit netten Leuten und interessanten Gesprächen.
Never do again:
Auf Versprechungen, wie „es folgen auch noch weitere Aufträge“, hören, wenn es um Preisverhandlungen geht.
The/Your next big thing is…
Die Illustrationen für die neue Ausgabe des Dimensionen Magazins der FH Aachen sind einer meiner Jobs, an denen ich gerade arbeite. Und wer weiß, was morgen noch hinzu kommt.
What advice would you give to young design professionals?
Nicht aufgeben! Mach das, was dich glücklich macht und irgendwann kannst du von deiner Arbeit leben.
Why does the world need design?
Design ist aus dem Alltag nicht mehr wegzudenken, ob in der Werbung oder im Supermarkt. Ohne gutes Design würde die Optik und Funktion vieler Produkte leiden.

You in 5 words:
Waldmensch, verträumt, sensibel, hilfsbereit, tierlieb
Get to know... Françoise Oostwegel
Françoise, can you
tell us a bit about yourself?
My name is Françoise Oostwegel. In July 2014 I graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Maastricht. Lamp ZUID is the start of my career as a designer and entrepreneur. In November 2014 I opened my own studio in the centre of Maastricht. The studio serves as a platform for young, new or local designers to kickstart their career and show their products.
What were your first steps into the professional world?
During the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven three years ago a journalist from Volkskrant Magazine noticed my lamp and wanted to publish it in the magazine. There was only one condition: the lamp had to be in some sort of production. So I set up my company and started with the production of the first 50 lamps myself, all handmade. They were sold in just three months.

“Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there on the market.”
What do you consider your distinctive achievement?
I think my biggest achievement was opening STUDIO ÇEDILLE DESIGN. Not only is it a great selling point for my products but I can also help a lot of new designers by selling their products and giving them a chance to get that same breakthrough I had.
What do you consider your unique skill?
One of my skills is that I never forget to stick with my own style. I’m inspired by my surroundings and their history. I love to invigorate that inspiration in my designs. For example lamp ZUID. The design for the lamp was inspired by the old lamps miners used. I took that design and modernised it.
What are you looking forward to?
I’m really looking forward to taking my upcoming products on the market and finding surprising and new designers to feature in my store.
What advice would you give to young design professionals?
Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there on the market. Show yourself, be confident of who you are and your products and start creating.
A cup of entrepreneurship with… Marco Iannicelli
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I am 31 year old, I studied at the academy formerly known as, Academy of Fine Arts and Design Maastricht (ABKM) graduating as a product designer.
September 1, 2017